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Lay Servants

Ushers, Readers and Communion Servers see

JUNE-AUGUST 2024 Sign-up HERE.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"  And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

                               Isaiah 6:8

Acolyte? ... Reader? ... Usher? ... Communion Server?

Greeter? ... Altar Guild? ... Sound / Video Technician?

What exactly are LAY SERVANTS?  They are people who serve who are not ordained.

At St. Matthew that can include Acolytes, Readers, Communion Servers, Ushers, Audio techs, Video techs, and Altar Guild members. For each worship service, we need all of these to work together for us to see even the simplest worship opportunity.

This doesn’t include our wonderful Sunday School staff, another great chance to serve.

A church that works together, serves together, labors together, and builds together, is often a church that is healthy and vibrant.

Sunday morning Lay Servants are vital to providing a smooth-running and enjoyable worship service. Serving in one of these areas can enrich your faith and connect you with other members.  Training is available for all Lay Servant opportunities.

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